Back-end Development

We are a team of talented and highly-skilled back-end developers focused on the development of the server part of the program, processing, saving data, and integration with other services, basic understanding of algorithms, data types, and theory of computation. So we can implement your product at the highest level.

Technology stack: Rust, JavaScript, Node.js, API, Software Architecture & Design, Functional Programming, Virtual Machine, Algorithm Development

    We are experienced on:
  • - Design and develop web backend in Rust.
  • - Development from scratch / custom development.

  • Our main stack include but not limited:
  • - Programming languages: Rust, GPU, JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP. 
  • - Web servers: Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS. 
  • - Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
  • - Backend Frameworks: Laravel Expert, Codeigniter, Frappe, Rocket, Hyper.
  • - Crates: rocket, axum, hyper, reqwest, warp, tonic.
